Tuesday, 23 September 2008

What to read before you die...

Richard Wilson writes for The Times: "10 Books Not To Read Before You Die". Annoyingly, this was the most read article on Saturday. If you read his list of books, you'll immediately be struck by the fact that all the books he refers to you are either classics (Homer's Iliad) or modern classics (Joyce's Ulysses). Need I say any more? This list reads like a banal attempt of petty polemics that does nothing to elevate my opinion of this, likely, juvenile writer. Proudly, I've read four of the books on the list, and for those I have, it's noticeable how simple and erudite his descriptions and synopses are, which brings me to the conclusion that he has neither read the books he laments, nor has he done even the most basic research. Why was I completely unsurprised to see The Dice Man crop up at number 6? Luke Rhinehart's modern, cult classic is the most entertaining exploration of the Human psyche since Heller's Catch-22, which, thankfully, did not make the list, but probably only because Wilson hadn't heard of it. As much as book-lists often make us feel as if we've wasted our lives, no matter how long it takes, make sure to read those books, and avoid Wilson's articles.

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