Sunday, 31 August 2008


The school semester has begun and I'm glad, and somewhat proud to inform you that I've enrolled myself in a "Religion in Western Society" course as part of a general elective obligation. Obviously, I could have chosen from a range of various programmes that fit my agenda but, knowing me, I prefer a challenge and I'm glad to say that it may well pay off. It's a packed lecture hall with little sign of Kippuhs or the oppressive Burkha. More fortuitously though, we will be focusing on the history of the big three rather than their teachings (however similar - they are fairly poor plagiarisms of one another). My heart did skip a beat once or twice I have to say when the professor claimed that the sap secreted by bushes in the dessert while Moses led the freed slaves was an indication of "God being close to them": made all the more remarkable - the lecturer is a devout Christian. I shall keep you well up to date on how things progress. Maybe even more surprising though was my disgust at another elective class: "Planetary Evolution and Human Development". How can a subject so profoundly interesting, with a wealth of fascinating science behind it, be taught by the most miserable, archaic, loathsome individual one could care to meet? Science will never prevail over superstition if it's educational forerunners are charismatically outdone by those of scripture's. It just goes to show how one's entire social map, and indeed, their future, can be formed or destroyed by the uselessness of their teachers. I took great pleasure in striking that class from my schedule.

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